This Red-necked Woodpecker was seen alone on this tree and when it just stood still for a second I couldn't resist to take a shot. Glad I did because afterwards it went to check the other side of this tree.
The White-flanked Antwren is one that is heard quite often inside the rainforest. Sometimes you can also see them moving through the dense vegetation. Small agile birds. This time I was able to follow one couple while they were nesting between Augustus and September 2021. One day I decided to go off-track and went a bit further away from the trail. A couple of meters further, there was some commotion. I saw two birds always going to one spot and seconds later leave again. When I got closer I saw that they were gathering nest material and were busy building a nest. It was made out of fine threads and dry leaves. They made a small hanging pouch like nest inside a young prickly palm about 30 cm above the ground. A couple of days later it was quiet near the nest and when I zoomed in with my camera, I could barely see a bird. It was the female sitting inside the nest. Her head and tail almost exposed. A couple of days later I went back to check on them. Neither the male or female were near or inside the nest. So I took my chance and had a quick glance. Inside the tiny nest there were 2 oval shaped blotched eggs. I took a quick photo and left the scenery before they appeared again from their break. Here you can see that it's the males turn to sit inside the nest. So this confirmed that both male and female are actively involved during nesting time. After nearly 3 weeks I went back again and noticed that the female was sitting a bit higher than usual. So it was possible that the eggs had hatched. Days later I returned again and saw that none of the parents were sitting inside the nest. This was my chance again and when I looked inside, there were 2 tiny antwrens. Barely enough space for the both of them. They already started to grow feathers so within days they would leave the nest.
The next time when I checked on this tiny family, they were gone. Successful nesting. I spotted this raptor pure by accident. I was on the cabana trail trying to photograph antbirds or hummingbirds when I suddenly saw some movement from the corner of my eye. I went to check what it was and when I looked up, I saw this Black-faced Hawk staring back at me standing between the dense vegetation. Sometimes it happens that I miss some birds because of this strategy; standing still between the foliage green and not moving at all. That's wildlife.
This is why I still like birding. So many bird species to look at. This is the Yellow-throated Woodpecker for instance. Yellowish - Green and it has 'speckles' on the front. Quietly she was moving from branch to branch. I was following her to get a nice shot when the sunlight came out to help me out.
This predator likes to stay in the neighborhood and quite often you can hear him calling. Like its laughing, no wonder its called the Laughing Falcon. Most of the time I've seen this bird perched high up in a tree. This is one of the few moments that I've seen the Laughing Falcon so close.
January 2025