The Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) is seen here with its head nearly above the water. A well-camouflaged semi-aquatic predator, but also a common one seen frequently in Kabalebo.
The Golden Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin) is known as an opportunistic feeder. Meaning that it likes to feed upon both plants and meat.
The Swallow-tailed Kite is an elegant looking bird of prey seen quite often soaring above the Kabalebo river.
Kingfishers are one of the most frequently seen birds in Kabalebo, yet they are still one of the most difficult birds to photograph.
Blue and yellow … colors that most certainly are not associated with the rainforest. But somehow they also appear on the forest floor in the form of the species Dendrobates tinctorius. Also known as the Dyeing Poison frog. Just look at the patterns.
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my experience working as a volunteer in the Tambopata Research Centre. In this article I tell you all about a typical day a volunteer has to 'encounter'. It isn't bad at all!
This is Boyke, the ocelot resident of Kabalebo. Since 2013 he comes by frequently for a nice treat. He is also used to our presence, but that does not mean that he likes to share his meal with others.
When looking at this picture I am always amazed by the strength of this snake. I am not talking about strangulation, but about how this Emerald tree boa uses all his muscles to keep him balanced on a vine. No legs, no claws, …. nothing extra but only his muscle. Fascinating!
While looking at this picture I always get this happy feeling. This is somehow one of the cutest I have seen hanging in a tree: the Pale throated Sloth. Not only is it one of the cutest, but it is also one of our frequent visitors in Kabalebo.
The first time that I 'met' this fellow was during a hike on the river cabin trail. While minding my own business, I suddenly saw something white passing by, high up in the trees. As it didn't made any sound I had to carefully check and find out for myself what it was.
January 2025