They finally arrived in Kabalebo: Barn Swallows.
Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) are migrant birds and like to stay for a couple of months in Kabalebo. Since 2013 I have been following these migrant birds, taking notes of the date they arrive and the day they departure. They usually stay between February and April in Kabalebo. I have always seen the Barn Swallows in large flocks on the airstrip of Kabalebo. They are flying very low over the airstrip banking and turning. In flight it is usually pretty difficult to photograph them as they like to fly pretty low and fast at the same time. Only a couple of times I managed to take a picture, during their break. During their stay they are seen flying over the airstrip together with Grey-breasted Martins or White-winged Swallows. Other frequent visitors of Kabalebo: The first time that Lotje brought her youngest cub to the feeder was way back, October 20, 2015 to be precisely. A young cub still exploring his new surroundings. Now 4 months later he is at ease. Here is an update on Junior's progress.
Lotje shows her cubs who's wearing the pants in the house. In other words, always respect your mother.
Spotje, the second cub of Lotje, is a young adult now. Occasionally she still comes by to the feeder. Here we are looking back at her ongoing progress.
During a 2-day birding trip I met some familiar remarkable faces, but also a new one for my bird list. This is day 1. Enjoy!
Sometimes I have a feeling that the whole fauna world is part of a show called 'Kabalebo's got talent'. Here is why:
January 2025