Hawk-Eagles are one of my favorite predators. Most likely because they are seldom seen. This Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle is one of them. At least 4 or 5 times I have seen one of them. This one surprised both me and the birds. I guess it was soaring above the area, saw a potential prey and just dived down. It caught a Crested Oropendola but somehow the Oropendola managed to escape. I also managed to photograph this predator before it left again,
This is the female White-faced Saki, also known as Guianan saki or Golden-faced Saki. When looking at her you won't find any White-faced or Golden-faced on her, it is referred to the male. But like all wild animals in the jungle, they are unpredictable. You never know what to expect from them, just be prepared for anything. In this case, I wasn't really prepared as I accidentally cut out her tail.
In general are woodcreepers a challenge for me. They like to sit on the wrong side of the tree most of the time and sometimes the light isn't working in your favor. This was my lucky day, even if it lasted only a couple of seconds. Here I spotted the Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper on top of a palm tree.
This was unplanned. I met this Tiger Snake while I was driving on the airstrip of Kabalebo. Out of the blue I saw something bright yellow and shiny black crossing over. Luckily I didn't hurt him but as you can see, he was not in the mood to stay long. What I also like about the Tiger Snake is their scientific name: Spilotes pullatus pullatus. Another name you can find about this snake is Tropical Rat Snake and locally known as Sapakarasneki.
There are some birds that you hear first before seeing. Sometimes it even takes years before they let you see them. This is one of them; the Black-faced Antthrush (Formicarius analis). This is a solitary ground-dwelling bird that seldom comes out in the open. This one I spotted crossing a piece that was not surrounded by dense vegetation. I guess it took a wrong turn. It quickly recovered from its mistake 'cause seconds after I took this shot, it flew directly into the bushes.
January 2025