When seeing an Agouti for the first time in your life I can imagine that they are sometimes seen for Capybara's. Today we'll take a closer look at the both of them: Difference in size and weight: First of all, Agouti's are way smaller than Capybara's. They have an average weight between 3 and 6 kg, while the Capybara can weigh between 50 and 75 kg. Here you can see that both the Agouti and the Capybara are with their young. Both do look very adorable. Difference in appearance and social behavior: The Agouti has a clear red/brown color on its back and the Capybara has one color all over its body. Second to notice: the Agouti is either seen alone or in pairs, while Capybara's are always seen in a group. When a member of the group becomes either sick or wounded, the group will abandon the unfortunate member only to protect the groups' further existence. Difference in activity and habitat: The Agouti is a daytime rodent, while the Capybara can be seen during both day and night. In that case are Capybara's very unpredictable. Another difference: the Agouti is close to the jungle, they are often spotted at open spaces but the moment they 'feel' uncomfortable they rush into the dense bushes. Capybara's on the other hand are semi-aquatic mammals. They are seen at open areas close to the river. The water is their escape route whenever danger approaches. Difference in diet and eating habit:
Agouti's eat seeds and fruits. Inga fruits, Maripa nuts, Cassava, Potatoes and Awara's are amongst their favorites. With their front legs they grab the seeds or fruit to devour. Capybara's live from water plants, twigs and grass. They can not eat the same way the Agouti does. But they also have one thing in common: they are both rodents. Only thing is that the Capybara is the largest rodent in the world. Related articles: Comments are closed.
January 2025