They say that friendship goes through thick and thin. That it doesn't judge one another by its appearance. Well said! This Lowland tapir and his little friend, the Black Caracara proved it right. Lowland tapirs are also known as Brazilian tapirs or South American tapirs. They are solitary animals, meaning they like to wander alone through the forest in search of food. Most likely grass, twigs, young leaves and fruits. Lowland tapirs are one of the most seek after mammals of the rainforest. Looking at the picture above I completely understand why: weighing at least 500 pounds (!!) it isn't difficult to spot this magnificent creature … when you are on the river, but during a forest hike, the Lowland tapir can be difficult to spot. They do have a poor eyesight, but on the other hand they also have excellent hearing and a good sense of smell. They can smell your presence before you can notice them. Black Caracara's (Daptrius ater) are seen in small noisy groups. They are scavengers who like to check on any food waste, either near the kitchen, the tanagers' feeder or near the river, when the men are cleaning their fish. So looking at these two creatures, they are the totally opposite of each other.
But nevertheless, friendship goes through thick and thin. The Tapir and the caracara's don't need to spill any words to enjoy from each other company. As the Tapir's body has some tics here and there, which is for him difficult to remove, the Caracara's willingly like to help him out. They do a full body check for this extra treat and the Tapir gladly takes advantage of this free treatment. This show can go on for quite some time, giving us as spectators, the chance to enjoy this remarkable performance in the wild. Comments are closed.
January 2025