This is number 4 out of 5: the Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher. About 4 years ago I managed to photograph 3 out of 5 Kingfishers, that are living in Kabalebo, Suriname. I also mentioned that I will try to capture the other 2: the Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher and the American Pygmy Kingfisher. These two like to hide and are also quiet ones too. Here is no. 4: the Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher (Chloroceryle inda). You really had to have patience and be ready at the same time to expect the unexpected. That was the case with the Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher. I wasn't counting on him, but there he was. I was at the River Cabin area during my spare time. As always I was armed with my camera and was checking the surrounding. After a while I heard a noise near the gutter in the dense bushes. When I saw that it was the Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher, I couldn't believe my luck. But I had to be focused 'cause otherwise he would fly away and also my chances. As you can see, a lot of blurry obstacles here and there. Those were branches, leaves or sticks. It does made it into a nice picture though. But it took several failed attempts before I got these results. The Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher is a bit bigger compared with the Green Kingfisher. He is the 3rd largest of the Kingfishers (24 cm). So next mission is to complete the Kingfishers' gallery; the American Pygmy Kingfisher. You may also like the following post:
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June 2024