Since I started working in the jungle of Kabalebo, I was able to overcome some of my fears. For example: my fear for snakes and for unknown species. Being away from society for months in a row, away from the other 'jungle' called Paramaribo, I was also forced to speed up the process. Of course it was scary at first, but then my curiosity took over from my fear. Years have passed since then and it only got better and better. Now I enjoy every moment how I am being greeted by nature day and night. Boyke, the ocelot, is a gift and a blessing for me. I started to feed him since 2013. Sometimes he waits for me until I arrive with his food. He is so at ease when I look at him. I still can't believe that there is a bond between us. Every morning I am being greeted by this little agile fellow: Plain-crowned Spinetail. He is a joy to watch and gives me the energy to also start my day early. This Tukeit Hill Frog (Allophryne ruthveni) is the little clown that brightens my rainy days. Sometimes I find him in my bathroom or sink, but most of the time on a leaf. Such an adorable beauty! After finishing my work in the hotel, I went home all tired. And surprise, surprise .. a Nine-Banded Long-nosed Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) was 'waiting' for me right in front of my doorsteps. I immediately forgot about being weary. How about this for a morning surprise: a Porcupine on the balcony. I guess it was lost and rested a little bit. Just when you are about to take a shower, you notice that, for example an Emerald Palmsnake (Philodryas viridissimus viridissimus) is taking a nap in your bathroom. What would you do next? In my case: shower later … photoshoot now. I never learn from my past experience: to close the bathroom windows. This Slender Tree Boa (Corallus Enydris Enydris) was also taking a nap in the bathroom. And once again for me: shower later …. photoshoot now. In the past I wasn't fond about toads and frogs. I made a drastic U-turn since I moved to the jungle. Just look at this beauty: Suriname Golden-Eyed Treefrog (Trachycephalus coriaceus). A real joy to watch. I was so fascinated by this little fellow, a Glass frog, that there was no room left for fear. I found this unexpected but welcoming 'guest' inside one of the hotel rooms. Luckily he was accepted by everybody. We found this Red-tailed Boa in the garden. I first wanted to finish my paperwork in the hotel so it kept me company for a while. The first time that I spotted this plant hopper, I thought that it was an 'alien' kind of creature. Years later I discovered that it had so many names: Fulgora laternaria, Lanternfly, Peanut bug, Peanut-headed Lanternfly or Alligator Bug. Such pressure … to carry all those names on your small shoulder. I guess that word has spread, in the animal kingdom of Kabalebo, that I am writing about them. Some are shy but others want to become famous. Like this Blue-flanked Treefrog (Hypsiboas calcaratus). While I was busy finishing my paperwork, he suddenly appeared from behind the computer. That is what happens when your office is outside than inside a building. Surprise!!!
These are some of my wonderful neighbors. We don't speak the same language but luckily we enjoy both our community: Kabalebo. Comments are closed.
January 2025