Residents of Kabalebo: the Swallow-winged Puffbirds. One of the first birds you will encounter in Kabalebo is the Swallow-winged Puffbird (Chelidoptera tenebrosa). It is also one of those birds that makes people wonder what kind it also is. I even met birders who were not certain about its ID when they saw the puffbirds for the first time. Swallow-winged Puffbirds are seen near the lodge and also near the river. Usually found in pairs or small groups. Sometimes these puffbirds join the tanagers and flycatchers on the highest post or branch. They are common birds seen on a daily basis too. Here you see one of them sunbathing and at the same time it also is exposing its white back. Swallow-winged Puffbirds nest in burrows which they dig out themselves in sand bottoms or river banks. Most of the time you can find their nest at the steep side of the river cabin or the wall gutter at the lodge. But they can also dig their nest just on a flat surface. The digging process is always done as a team. While one of them is busy making the hole deeper, another one is standby to take the next turn and the third one is sitting on a post for the look out. The moment 'danger' is appearing the one standing guard will warn the workers to move out as fast as possible. When the eggs had hatched, the parents will take turn to feed their nestlings. Insects and ants are their main food. Here you see one of the nestlings waiting right in front of the 'gate' for its next meal. Swallow-winged Puffbirds are strong when working as a team. They always take turn when feeding the nestlings or when digging a nest hole. They also always look after each other. Talking about team work.
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January 2025